Well! Here I am sitting at the computer, typing, for
your amusement. However, I have been called by the Mother, as we are leaving to visit the shops. I'll see y'all soon. Byeeeeeeeee
Hey!!! I'm back from the cinema, and I have bought a
friend, she is called Rachel and she was only Ģ1.99 from Tesco! Bargain!!! Just add water and she grows!!! Honestly, it's
amazing! Everyone should have one!
Anyway *ahem* the film, it was called Meet The Fockers,
and my review is on the 'Go See' page. Oh! Whilst I was at Tesco, Rachel thought she would take advantage of the 'Self Service'
scanner things, (ray-I was forced to) and decided to give us (the Mother, the Brothers and myself) a hand by scanning our
food through for us. However, little did we realise that my darling little brother, William, had walked off with the French
Bread. This caused caused the Mother much distress, as she had to pay for it seperately!!! Shock horror!!!!
Tonight me and Rachel are going to try and get drunk,
whilst watching Willo The Wisp, a rather odd 70's cartoon!
Talk to you all soon.
Byeee xXx
Well, I'm pissed off!!! I've had a shit day, apart from
when Rachel were here! That were fun! I'm still angry bout the issue of a 'thing' that happened last night, and it really
is making me angry so I'm not going to talk about it!
Well, today my day consisted of going to the library with the Mother and
Brothers, which were much fun(!) going to Dorothy Perkins to get some school Trousers, but they onyl sell black trousers!!!!
Then I went home and got pissed off at the fat bastard that is the Mothers husband.
Dom xXx
Well, today I was awfully tired (lol), and in maths, I again asked Jenn
if I could draw a fake goaty on her, and again she replied the same answer 'No!' Usually, she would then ask if she could
draw one on me, and I would say 'No! Fuck off!' Then we would try and touch eyelashes (because we are EXTREMELY odd!!!). Now,
picture it... Me and Jenn sat at the front of the maths room, tryin 2 draw goaty's on each other, then tryin to touch eyelashes.
Anyway... today... I tired, but still managing to breathe, so i can't be that tired. I have also realised that I am having
a slow day... AGAIN! It's really not good... can young peeps suffer from alzheimers? I think they can, because I think I have
it... unfortunately though, I can't forget unimportant things, like when my homeworks due in :(
I am also very happy today though, because it is my birthday in 2 days!!!!
I should mention that Rachel's is 5 days away... WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!
Anyway... one must dash...
Dom xXx
Today... is... is thursday, and it was Rachel's birthday yesterday! HAPPY
BDAY BABE!!! Today was boring and I in chemistry i put my finger in some Sodium Chloride or summat n it made my nail go all
funny :~S I think it's ok now though, I'll just ask it... 'Yea, im ok thanks, no permanent damage... but please don't do that
again.' *Dom makes promise with nail*... ANYWAY!!! Let's move on... I dunno what to say... Oh yeah!! My bday! It was really
fabuli-i! I went to see Boogeyman (I think that's what it's called) and it was rubbish... then I went to Corp and saw
Hatebreed!!! It PROPA ROCKED!!! I would love to do it all over again! The funny bit of the evening was when the mosh pit started
and this man were stood in front of me. Then his girlfriend looked at me and said 'Do you know where my boyfriend has gone?'
And there he was... gone... which was a shame, because his hair smelt really good. lol.
Anyway, I'm gonna go now...
I'm in Spanish Land!!!! I miss everyone soooo much :( and hotmail
is so slow here... i logged on nearly 15 minutes ago, and it still hasnīt loaded!!!) Quest que la pois? (I dunno if thats
how its spelt... but its spelt like that now!) I really dunno what to say, except I really do wanna come home... OH!!! odd
story 4 you all now:
kk, well, Me, Nat, Ray n this girl called Lauren were sat in this park, on a bench eatin our lunch....
and then we put all our left overs in this plastic bag n this gypsy came up 2 us wiv this lil boy n 2 gypsy
girls went 2 sum ova peeps n thsi woman came up 2 us n started talkin spanish, n i fort she wanted 2 sit down.. even tho there
were lots of ova empty benches, so i stood up. Then she sed summat n pointed 2 da bag
she then took it, walked off wiv these kids n took
wot food she wanted n threw the bag in a bush... then i sat back down n explained 2 da ovas dat i fort she wanted 2 sit on
our bench, hence me standin up, then she came back bout 10-15 mins l8r wiv 3 boys, ot includin da boy she came wiv (oo-er)
lol ANYWAY... lol Talk to you all later...
Luvvin yas
I'm so hyper!!!!! I need some Ritalin or summat... I'm goin' craaaaazy!!!
Not much is happening really... I've had a hyped up week at school though! Jenn... is sooo the best!! Keep Your Ring Tasting
Great - Use Glutamate... Honkings! lmao... Honk my Hunk! Anyway... as time goes on... I sit... on the chair... listenin' to
Mudvayne... coz they rule!
C'ya'll later
Aloha my lil ants of freedom fighting homo-fib-ions... I'm feeling poetic...
and I will soon make a new page dedicated to a 'thing' Rachel and I made during our stay in the school... it was sooo much
I've not really been upto much, except exams... oh... n gettin rather pissed
yesterday...Me - 'I'm really hot'
- 'Me too!'
Me -
'Is it just me?'
I'm bored... One feels... unamused by many things in life at present...
I have an eye hurdle... and Rachel has a boy hurdle... so many hurdles in life... many of sizes which differ n such like
Neway... I'm borin' maself now, so im gona go...
Aloha ha ha... I be sat... I've been busy with exams n such like. BUT!!!
Much to your hapenis (lmao... how ruuude)... I have also found time to:
A) Write in the diary
B) I've written about Famous Ol' Antonio The Great
C) I've added a new page 'Segmented Oranges' (The thing by me and RACHEL
[There ya go see... now people know, you helped write it :P)
Neway... ones gona dash...
Hey ma darlins!
I’ve you neglected you lot, some what,
by not updating you on my very, very interesting life. Well, where do I start? I’ve finished my GCSE’s (and school!!
Wheeeey!!!) Whether I’ve passed them though is a different matter… (So fingers crossed)
At the moment, I’m sat in my bed watching
Big Brother (‘Remember, the wet beaver smiles when tickled’! WTF!!! Diiiiiiiiiiirty BB!)… I must say, Eugene
is such a freak, you can’t help but love him lol he’s such a prick, sometimes I just wana slap him and say ‘Shut
up you stupid FUCK!! Say something INTERESTING! We don’t care about your first aid courses! Get a sense of humor and use it, man!’ However, sometimes I just wana gently pull him away from a
joint conversation that he’s involved in and say ‘Now, come on Eugene, these people don’t want to hear about
it. Now lets go and sit in the diary room and sing a song about God.’ (bless him… he’s so sad! ARGH! He
knows Morse Code of by heart!!!! hahahahahahahahaha)
The summer holidays are here! Would be fun…
but I’m bored of being bored. It’s so tedious, I’d rather be back at school then sat at home doing nothing…
and now EVERYONE is at home, the boys, the mother and Blob! It’s torture! I want a holiday home… so if anyone
has a spare room (or even a little bit of room on a floor) that I may borrow for the summer; pleeeeeeeeeease let me know so
I can be with people who are interesting. I mean, it was alright when it was just me and mum, because we’re on a similar
intellectual level, therefore, letting us have sensible adult conversations about… stuff… in fact, in all honesty
I don’t even really mind my brothers at home, its just Piss Flap (The mothers significant other [in fact, any insulting
word means Martin])! He’s been gay and lost his shitting job! FUCK! HE
I have to stop talking about it now, or I’ll
start a rant! (Not good at all)
What shall I talk about??
Oh… I really wana tell a story… I
might do lol but I’ll have to put it on another page…
Ooooooooohhhhhhhh… I’ve not told
you about the prom! It was amazing! We got a propa buzzin Limo-zeen lol it was so much fun, I’ll never forget it…
so, yea…lol
Anyway… I’m off
Hey!!! Hope your all ok :D I got my GCSE results... you
wana know what I got don't ya(?) lol... well... I got 3 B's :D 4 C'S :) AND AN E!!!! I'm so proud of my E lol So, I got all
the grades I need, and I start 6th Form on weds... I'm kinda scared n shittin ma knicks, but I MUST be brave lol. Also we
got a little Kitten, called Mange Cat (Mange as in To Eat in French lmao) don't ask... really... I'll put a pic on, if I can.
Neway, One must go for I have important things to do *eye roll*
I'm at COLLEGE!!!! (Wheeeey!!) I've added an extra 'thing' to my 'Rants' page, so go have
a sneakly peek :-P It int really that interesting. It's the chance to add your own rants, to the website... it really is rather
sexy lol... neway... I'm off, like a peice of cheese:-D
Holly and Mange Cat |

Holly propa loves Mangey... Lesbian Love! :D |
I've neglected you again =o( I'm so sorry... BUT! In my defence I've been
VERY busy lol
So, I'll update you on my life:
- Failed AS (got 2 E's and U) OH! You don't even know what I was studying!!!
I studied Psychology, English literature and IT. I got the U in IT and declined the grade, so I've only got 2 AS's. Now I'm
still studying English and Psychology but I'm doing AS Sociology instead of IT (coz it was wank)
- Ummm... Oh! I work lol Im a sunday morning cleaner at The Robin
Hood Inn (tis well arse) and I'm a xmas temp at woolies... I hope they keep me on (Please God, let them keep me on!)
- I've applied to Uni, Newman College in Brum Brum Land, St Martins in
Lancaster and Bishop Grosseteste University College in Lincoln...
- Oh, I stopped talking to Jenn about this time last year... It was so
sad, but... we're both better off (well, I am anyway lol)
That's about as much as I can think of. If I think of anything else, I'll
add it...
Ciao for now ma lil amphibions