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Fab Websites

Basically, this webpage is a list of fun websites that I think you should ALL see! So, go n visit 'em! - its not fab, but it keeps you amused - if your bored, give it a visit! - full of weird but wonderfull cartoons, such as Salad Fingers! - if ever you get bored this lil.... bot will emuse you for hours on end, if you like having the same conversation over and over and over and overand over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over - This is an odd lil website... you might like it... - This should really be the VERY first website on this list... IT IS FAB AND UPDATED!!! Go and see it!!! NOW!!!! - This is the site of the best mate... who loves me... as said in her addy :D - Rachel is FAB! YOU HAVE! to go on her website! :-P - its fuckin ace haha! you've gota read the Nativity Play! =oP hehe mucho y mas!

If you can think of anymore that I can add, then e-mail me at, and as your subject put 'A Fab Website'


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